Human Health and Disease Class 12 Notes | Vidyakul
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Human Health and Disease Class 12 Notes

Human Health and Disease Class 12 Notes

Chapter 8 Human Health and Disease

Referring to NCERT notes is crucial for students pursuing medicine after Class 12. Students can use the NCERT notes for Class 12 Biology Chapter 8 – Human Health and Diseases as a helpful study aid to perform well in exams. Building a solid basis for topics can help students achieve well in the NEET exams. The student’s performance in NEET and other medical competitive exams will improve if they fully comprehend this chapter. Students must definitely practice all the questions provided by Vidyakul to score the best marks. Keep reading to find out NCERT notes for Class 12 Biology chapter 8.


Points to Remember

Students can find the important points to be remembered related to the Human Health and Diseases chapter as mentioned below.

  • Health: Health is not just the absence of disease, but is a state of complete physical, mental, social, and psychological well-being.

  • Disease: Diseases like typhoid, cholera, pneumonia, fungal infections of the skin, malaria, and many others are major causes of distress to human beings

  • Infectious Diseases:
    (i) Vector-borne diseases like malaria, especially malignant malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum, if not treated, may prove fatal
    (ii) Besides personal cleanliness and hygiene, public health measures like proper disposal of waste, decontamination of drinking water, control of vectors like mosquitoes and immunization are very helpful in preventing these diseases.

  •  Immune System: Our immune system plays a major role in preventing diseases when we are exposed to pathogens.

  •  AIDS: (i) AIDS caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is fatal but can be prevented if certain precautions are taken.
    (ii) HIV infects the helper T-lymphocyte (TH) that bears the CD4 receptor site.

  • Cancer: (i) All cancers are characterized by the uncontrolled growth and division of cells.
    (ii) The malignant tumors grow very rapidly, invading and damaging the surrounding normal tissues.
    (iii) The spread of cancerous cells to distant sites is termed metastasis.
    (iv) Many cancers are curable if detected early and appropriate therapeutic measures are taken.



Topics and Sub-topics

All the notes on the Human Health and Diseases topic provided by Vidyakul are framed based on the latest syllabus. Students can practice the questions for free at Vidyakul and score maximum marks in the final exams. Below mentioned are the list of important topics from Class 12 Biology Chapter 8 Human Health and Diseases.


Topic Name


Common Disease in Humans




Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)




Drug and Alcohol Abuse


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are ‘Genetic disorders’?

Genetic disorders occur when a mutation affects your genes or when you have the wrong amount of genetic material.

  • What is ‘Immunity’?

Immunity can be defined as a complex biological system endowed with the capacity to recognize and tolerate whatever belongs to the self.

  • What is ‘AIDS’?

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) a member of the retrovirus group.

Practice Questions

  • Define Immunity and its types?

  • Define Addiction and Dependence?

  • What is Elisa? and what it is used for?

  • What is Cancer? Explain in brief the types, diagnoses, and treatments available for cancer.

  • List out the causes, symptoms, and available treatment for Influenza.

Know more about the same in Human Health and Disease Class 12 Notes pdf.

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