JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus 2018 | Vidyakul
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JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus 2018

JEE Mains Syllabus 2018-Paper 2

Candidates aspiring for admission into courses like B. Arch or B. Planning in centrally funded technical institutes or National institute of Technology, must have a thorough understanding of JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus 2018.Moreover, if the candidates are planning for admission into the two IITs offering Architecture courses, they are required to have an in-depth knowledge of JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus 2018 which will help them to plan their preparation strategy accordingly.The candidate must also practice the questions related to the topics mentioned in JEE Mains Syllabus 2018-Paper 2. This would also help the candidate by increasing their speed and accuracy.

The JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus 2018 with weightage, brought to the candidates by Vidyakul, gives a clear understanding of the topics that carry the maximum weightage and thus must be prepared accordingly. This also benefits the candidate to identify and understand his/her strong and week points, thus guiding them to prepare for the exam strategically.

JEE Mains Paper 2 is divided into three parts:
I. Mathematics
II. Aptitude Test
III.Drawing Skills

The JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus, brought to the candidates by Vidyakul, provides as in-depth analysis of all three sections/parts of the JEE Mains Paper 2. The syllabus for Section 1, i.e. Mathematics, is the same as that of JEE Mains Paper 1, which is conducted to facilitate admissions in B. Tech/B. E-courses in IITs, NITs and other CFTIs. On the other hand, the syllabus for Section 2 and Section 3, i.e. Aptitude test and Drawing Skills are given below in detail.

JEE Main Paper 2 Syllabus 2018: Mathematics

• Sets, Relations and Functions
• Complex Numbers
• Quadratic Equations
• Matrices and Determinants
• Mathematical Induction
• Sequences and Series
• Permutations and Combinations
• Limits
• Continuity and Differentiability
• Applications of Binomial Theorem
• Integral Calculus
• Differential Equation
• Vector Algebra
• Trigonometry
• Co-ordinate Geometry
• Three Dimensional Geometry
• Probability
• Statistics
• Mathematical Reasoning

For an in-depth mathematics syllabus, click here: – JEE Mains Math Syllabus 2018

JEE Main Paper 2 Syllabus 2018: Aptitude test

• Awareness of places, persons, buildings and materials
• Texture and objects related to Architecture and building environment.
• Visualizing 3D objects from 2D drawings.
• Visualizing different sides of 3D objects
• Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal)
• Analytical Reasoning
• Three dimensional – perception and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects.
• Color texture, building forms and elements, contrast and harmony.

JEE Main Paper 2 Syllabus 2018: Drawing test

• Drawing and designing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil
• Transformation of forms both 2 D and 3 D union
• Elevations and 3 D views of objects Rotation
• Development of surfaces and volumes
• Generation of Plan
• Creating 2D and 3D compositions using given shapes and forms
• Sketching of activities from memory of urban scenes (public space, festivals, market, street scenes, recreational spaces monuments, etc.), landscape (gardens, trees, river fronts, jungles, plants etc.) and rural life.

JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus 2018: Architecture Aptitude test

The candidates aspiring for B. Arch from the two IITs namely, IIT Roorkee and IIT Kharagpur, have to appear for the Architecture Aptitude Test, whose syllabus is given below.

Candidate must have an in-depth understanding of all the topics given below in the JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus for Architecture Aptitude Test to facilitate admission into IITs.

Freehand drawing:

• Simple drawing showing the entire object in its right proportion and form
• Relative location
• Surface texture
• Details of its components in suitable scale
• Ordinary domestic or everyday life utilizable objects like equipment, furniture, etc.

Geometrical drawing:

• Activities in geometrical drawing containing lines, triangles, angles, quadrilaterals, circles, polygons
• Study of plan (aerial view)
• elevation (side or front views) of simple solid objects like cones, prisms, splayed surface holders, cylinders, cubes, etc.

Three-dimensional perception:

• Perception and appreciation of 3D forms with building elements, volume color, and orientation,
• Visualization through constituting objects in memory.

Architectural awareness:

• General awareness and interest of famous architectural creations – within the country and outside, places and celebrities (architects, designers etc.)

Most Important Topics in JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus 2018:

The topics carrying maximum weightage in JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus 2018 must be thoroughly prepared for the JEE Exam. Candidates must note the Important topics of JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus 2018 given below to prepare strategically.

• Three dimensional – perception
• Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects, building forms and elements.
• Color texture, harmony and contrast.
• Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil.
• Subtraction, rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of Plan, elevations and 3 D views of objects, Transformation of forms both 2 D and 3 D union.
• Creating two dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms.
• Sketching of scenes and activities from memory, landscape.

JEE Mains Paper 2 Syllabus—Important Aptitude Topics Weightage

Candidates appearing for JEE Mains Paper 2 must note the Weightage of important topics since this will help them to prepare their preparation strategy accordingly. In addition, knowing the Weightage of Important Aptitude topics in JEE mains Paper 2 Syllabus would help the candidate revise the syllabus effectively. This would ultimately maximize their marks in JEE Exam.

S. No.Important Topics for Aptitude JEE Mains Paper 2Weightage
1.Awareness of Places, persons, buildings and materials2-3%
2.Texture and Objects related to Architecture2-3%
3.Visualizing 3D objects from 2D drawings3-4%
4.Visualizing Different sides of 3D Objects3%
5.Mental Ability2%
6.Analytical Reasoning1-2%
7.Color Texture1-2%
8.Contrast and Harmony
9.Building Forms and Elements
10.3D- Perception and Appreciation of scale and proportion of objects.2-3%

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